Tribulus Terrestris
Cost per kilo 26,00 €

Tribulus terrestris is an annual plant in the caltrop family, widely distributed around the world, that is adapted to grow in dry climate locations which frw other plants survive. Although Tribulus is considered a noxious weed in the United States and Australia, it is widely used to enhance sexual desire in both men and women and to treat erectile dysfunction in men. It has a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine and Indian Ayurvedic practice. Body builders sometimes use it after a cycle of anabolic steroids to restore testosterone levels in the body. Tribulus in known by mane names, including goat's head, bullhead, caltrop, cat's head, devil's eyelashes, devil's weed, puncture vine and many more.

It is native to warm temperature and tropical regions of the Old World in southern Europe, southern Asia, throughout Africa and Australia. In can thrive in dessert climates and poor soil.

The greek word trivolos means water-chestnut, translated into Latin as tribulus, originally meaning the weapon caltrop, but in classical times the word already meant this plant as well.

Tribulus is an extremely powerful medicinal plant with a strong effect on testosterone and everythign associated with it, which includes libido, good mood, muscle building, restorative sleep, protection of the cardiovascular system and pain reduction. It is also famous amongst athletes because it significantly increases endurance and is anabolic.

The plant and its fruit have been used by traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for more than 3.000 years. Its different effects on the human body are well-known, and it enjoys good reputation. Traditionally, it was used to treat ailments concerning the liver and the kidneys, as well as urinary diseases. Today, Tribulus is broadly used as an aphrodisiac to stimulate libido. The plant is also commonly used for its anabolic effect by bodybuildres because it promotes muscle mass building.Tribulus is also noted as an excellent adaptogen, as it adapts to ones specific needs.

Tribulus is composed of a large number of active elements, including steroidal saponins, such as dioscin, diosgenin and protodioscin. These elements contribute to the plant's beneficial effects on the libido, on fitness and on building of muscle mass. The plant is also loaded in phytosterols, especially beta-sitosterols that act on the different problems associated with the prostate, urinary and cardiovascular systems.

Tribulus terrestris is very effective for increasing endurance and promoting muscle building. It is thus particularly recommended for active athletes, because testosterone helps to significantly increase endurance, as well as strengthen muscles, including the heart muscle, which are stronger and more resistant during different forms of exertion. Tribulus however offers more health benefits, besides its anabolic and endurance building nature. It can also be effective against fatigue and lack of energy, as well as for balancing the nervous system. People over fifty, either men or women, can consume tribulus to reduce issues associated with andropause and menopause, as well as reinforcing the cardiovascular system and promoting deeper, restorative sleep.

Medicinal Applications:

Tribulus is an excellent plant to increase overall endurance levels, especially to athletes who specialize in endurance sports

Tribulus is a powerful aphrodisiac, as it stimulates libido in both men and women and can me used by men to treat erectile dysfunction.

It promotes muscle gain as it is a natural anabolic and it can increase physical strength.

It can increase the total recovery time an athkete needs after each training session, or any other physical effort.

The plant can help regulate the production of testosterone.

This is to inform you that we are not doctors. What is written above has a simple character and in no way replaces medical application. Always consult your doctor about your health issues.