Cost per kilo 41,00 €

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Alfalfa, scientifically called Medicago Sativa, commonly known as lucerne, is a perennial flowering plant in the pea family, cultivated as an important forage crop in many countries all around the world. It is used for grazing, hay and silage and well as green manure and cover crop. The name Alfalfa is more commonly used in North America, while lucerne is used in the United Kingdom, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Alfalfa resembles a clover when younger, until the trifoliage leaves it possesses enlongate in maturity.

Alfalfa originates in south-central Asia, and has first cultivated in Iran. According to Pliny, it was introduced to Greece in about 490 BC when the Persians invaded Greek territory. Pliny and Palladius called alfalfa in Latin medica, a name that reffered to Medes, a person who lived in ancient Iran. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that alfalfa came from Iran and the name given at that time is the root of the modern scientific name of the alfalfa genus, Medicago.

There are numerous impressive health benefits attributed to alfalfa, including the ability to lower cholesterol levels, improve digestion, protect heart health, prevent cancer, improve respiratory conditions, detoxidy the system, aid the immune system, speed healing processes and reduce inflammation throughout.

The fiber content and nutritional profile of alfalfa is certaintly undoubtable. It is rich in vitamin B, C, D, E and a variety of proteins, chlorophyll, carotene, calcium and other important minerals. Additionally, alfalfa contains significant vitamin D levels.

Medicinal Applications:

Alfalfa, which is impressively rich in dietary fiber, can be very helpful in lowering cholesterol levels. Additionally, its content in saponins, can help the fiber attach to cholesterol and prevent it from locking on to arterial walls, thereby balancing the good cholesterol levels in the body. This can prevent the buildup of plaque, atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes.

Alfalfa can be used to treat arthritis or other inflammatory conditions. This utilization of the plant can be attributed to its high content in vitamin C and vitamin B, as well as calcium and antioxidant compounds, all of which aid in reducing infammation in the joints, while strengthening the immune system and preventing chronic disease and oxidative stress.

The dietary fiber in the plant can also contribute in optimized digestive health. It bulks up stool and speeds up its movement through the bowels, and it can also reduce inflammation in the gut, thus eliminating issues like indigestion, bloating, cramping, diarrhea, constipation and a bacterial imbalance in the gut microflora.

Alfalfa can help in speeding up the healing process and prevent infection. The high supply of protein it contains is also a major boost to growth, development and repair.

Its high amount of vitamin C is ideal to help in boosting the immune system. Vitamin C stimulates white cell production and eliminates oxidative stress. Also, B and E vitamins act as metabolic regulators and antioxidant compounds throughout the body.

Alfalfa is diuretic and for that reason is has been used to treat kidney conditions, speeding up the body's detoxidication process through urination, while helping to flush out excessive salts, fats and water.

Respiratory issues like bronchitis, the flu and common cold, as well as viral and bacterial infections can be dealth with when consuming alfalfa. It has anti-inflammatory and disinfectal properties, which makes it easy to treat breathing conditions like asthma, strengthening the immune system in the meantime.

This is to inform you that we are not doctors. What is written above has a simple character and in no way replaces medical application. Always consult your doctor about your health issues.