Ganoderma Lucidum Mushrooms Powder
Cost per kilo 84,60 €

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Reishi mushroom is a species complex that encompasses several fungal species of the genus Ganoderma. Some of the most important health benefits of reishi mushrooms include their ability to slow the aging process, detoxify the body, reduce blood pressure, eliminate inflammation, prevent cancer, improve cognitive ability and boost energy.

The fungus was given its first binomial name, Boletus lucidus, by English botanist Willian Curtis. The reishi's botanical names have Greek and Latin roots. The generic name Ganoderma derives from the Greek ganos, which means “brightness; sheen”, hence shining and derma which translates to skin.

Reishi mushrooms have been relied on for thousands of years in the Asia region, but has revently come to the attention of the wider world. The name reishi is commonly used in Japan, while in China, the fungus is known as lingzhi mushrooms. These fascinating fungi are so potent because of their unique collection of organic compounds and components, which include triterpenes, alkaloids, sterols and various essential polysaccharides.

Although most mushroom are enjoyed for their health benefits and nutrients, the most popular means of using reishi mushrooms includes crushing dried mushrooms and steeping them in water. The mushrooms are extremely bitter in taste, but people usually still consume this mushroom mixed in warm water, in a coffee like manner. Thinly slices, or pulverized reishi mushroom is added to a pot of boiling water and the water is reduced to a simmer and the pot is covered.

Medicinal Applications:

With popular names such as “king of herbs” and the “10,000-year mushroom”, reishi have been highly praised in herbal medicine since antiquity for its effects in longevity. In ancient years, those seeking immortality often used reishi to extend their life-span. It is however amazing that recent studies have actually linked reishi mushrooms with longevity, namely due to the impressive polysaccharides content of these fungi. This is accomplished by boosting the health of the immune system and preventing certain abnormal blood vessel formations. Furthermore, certain antioxidant properties of other organic compounds in reishi mushrooms neutralize free radicals, which can cause chronic disease and premature aging.

There are thousands of active studies on cancer, as it happens to be the most widespread and fatal diseases faced by our society nowadays. It has been proven that the triterpenoids found in reishi have the ability to reduce the metastasis of cancerous cells and prevent tumor growth. Furthermore, a second study found that the active ingredients of the fungs extract can seek out and neutralize cancerous cells inside the body.

Reishi mushroom can help in the quicker regeneration of healthy liver cells and a release of free radicals that have built up in the liver, which is the main detoxifying organ of our system, thereby promoting overall health and wellness in our body.

Neurological diseases and cognitive disorders like Alzheimer's or Huntington's disease can be slowly treated by reishi. The mushroom can stimulate cognitive activity and display certain neuroprotective effects, particularly in the stimulation of nerve growth factor, which is a key part of health cognitive function.

One of the most important effects of reishi is probably its strong anti-inflammatory capacity. For that reason, it comes to no surpirise that it can be so effective against cognitive diseases, by increasing the amount of blood flow to the brain, but for people suffering from arthritis or gout, the mushroom can be really helpful. It is also great for reducing headaches and healing injuries.

This is to inform you that we are not doctors. What is written above has a simple character and in no way replaces medical application. Always consult your doctor about your health issues.