Sweet Birch
Cost per kilo 32,40 €

Sweet Birch, scientifically known as Betula Lenta, is a species of birch that grows in temperate climates and is native to North America, Europe and Asia. Other names include black birch, cherry birch, mahogany birch and spice birch. The Birch tree is commonly used for both commercial and medicinal purposes.

Birch wood is commonly used in making furniture and paper, while the bark, leaves and sap are used for medicinal purposes. The birch tree contains powerful anti-inflammatory, astringent, laxative and diuretic properties that are helpful in dealing with a number of health issues.

The sap from the Sweet Birch tree contains important vitamins, minerals and sugars, mainly glucose and fructose. It is packed with minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, phosphorus, iron, sodium and amino acids. It is also rich in vitamic C and B-vitamins like thiamine. The sap is commonly used as a syrup that can be directly consumed in salads, soups, candies, wines and other beverages. The buds and leaves of the tree contain antibiotic and diuretic properties while the bark contains digestive, diuretic and anti-pyretic properties.

Medicinal Applications:

The leaves and twigs of the birch tree have been commonly used for medicinal purposes. They are boiled to make anti-inflammatory treatmnets. It contains betulinic acid that gives the tree its anti-inflammatory properties, which are helpful in treating conditions like arthritis, high cholesterol, heart and kidney edema and cystitis.

The medicinal properties of the herb stimulate the digestive system and aid in better digestion. Its nutrients are also effective in strenghtening the bones and boosting overall immunity. A common recipe given is soaking birch leaves in apple cider vinegar for several weeks to help the plant release its minerals and micronutrients. That cider can be then consumed as part of beverages and meals or drank directly for treating coughs.

The plant contains astringent proprties that make it an effective natural treatment for skin conditions such as ezcema, dermatitis and furunculous.

A birch bath is excellent for strenghtening the hair roots and prevent problems like dandruff.

Birch tea can help in curing inflammations and infections of the urinary tract, edema and renal calculosis. A decoction can help increase urination and therefore help in treating edemas.

Birch contains powerful diuretic properties that help in flushing out harmful toxins, uric acid and excess water from the body. This in turn, helps eliminate cellulite from the body and treat issues like obesity over time. It also helps in maintaining good kidney and liver health.

The buds and leaves of the sweet birch tree are rich in Vitamin C, tannin and flavonoids, which makes them effective in the prevention of viral infections and even the formation of cancer.

Sweet Birch leaves can help in treating arthritis, rheumatism, hair loss and skin rashes.

Safety Profile:

Sweet birch seems to interact with diuretic drugs, because the plant itself shows string diuretic qualities. Consuming both birch and the so called water pills might cause excessive water loss, which could lead to dizziness and lowered blood pressure.

This is to inform you that we are not doctors. What is written above has a simple character and in no way replaces medical application. Always consult your doctor about your health issues.