Cost per kilo 15,00 €

Select what form? (whole, grounded)

Licorice is a shrub that grows throughout Europe, and is particularly sturdy. Its flowers are blue and its shoots are ribbed, fluffy and erect. We use its broken root, and its finely ground powder, which has a slightly yellow color with a sweet and woody taste. Licorice is used to give a sweet taste to cakes, sweets, ice creams, puddings, cookies, waffles, soy sauces, marinades and beverages. It is also used to flavor tobacco, syrups, drinks and candies. Bâtons de réglisse and candies with licorice are very popular. How to use licorice Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of licorice powder in hot water, mix and enjoy. Or make its infusion and place it in the fridge. Put it in herbal drinks and teas to sweeten them, but this way their taste will change. Make sauces for pork and marinades with licorice powder. We would like to inform you that this page does not contain any medical advice.

This is to inform you that we are not doctors. What is written above has a simple character and in no way replaces medical application. Always consult your doctor about your health issues.