Cost per kilo 30,20 €

Lapacho or Taheebo, is herbal tea made from the inner bark of the Pau d'Arco tree. Lapacho is used in the herbal medicine of several South and Central American indigenous people to treat ailments including infection, fever and stomach complaints. The active ingredients present in the plant include lapachol. Lapacho is oftetimes associated with anti-cancer properties.

In folklore medicine, lapacho was always combined with yerbamate tea, because yerbamate has an activating effect on the actions of lapacho. Lapacho can be used periodically as s preventative during colds and flu season, or whenever the chances for infections are high. Lapacho promotes immune system health, helps prevent the onset of colds and flu, keeps the bowels healthy and may impart some of the other important therapeutic effects, including a positive effect on arthritis, pain, localized infection and systemic infection. During periods of acute, active infection, lapacho should be administrated several times per day.

Medicinal Applications:

Lapacho tea has many anti-inflammatory and antioxidant as well as noted analgesic properties. It can treat and prevent different diseases, such as arthritis, diabetes, bowel issues, bladder infections, asthma and cancer. Its use in many ways is similar to the immuno-stimulant echinacea and ginseng. Lapacho however seems to be much potent that both the other plants in what concerns cancer treatment.

Lapacho has laxative properties. Regular consumption can help maintain bowel movements regularity. It can moderately loosen the bowels without overexcertion, which could lead to diarrhea.

It has incredibly strong compounds that offer antibiotic properties to the plant.

Definite inhibition of free radicals has been reported with the usage of lapacho. This essentially means that lapacho has anti-aging properties.

Lapacho can boost the immune system, while reducing the chances of contracting any form of disease, due to its powerful antimicrobial qualities.

Lapacho tea promotes blood and bone marrow health. It can stimulate the increase of red blood cell production, which in turn improves the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood and the amount of oxygen the organs receive.

Lapacho is extensively utilised to reduce the symptoms of flu and colds, fevers, burns, respiratory distress, skin irritation, yeast infections, bone infections, dysentery and many other infectious diseases.

Additionaly, is shows promise in treating chronic conditions like lupus, psoriasis and Parkinson's disease. The symptoms that occur from the HIV virus can also be eliminated by lapacho.

It can combat side effects that occur from the use of various medicines, like dizziness, nausea, anemia and diarrhea.

It has analgesic and anti-inflammatory qualities and redices inflammation and pain, as well as other symptoms of arthritis.

Safety Profile:

Lapacho is a very potent medicinal herb and consumtion should be done moderately. Some side effects include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. It is also a blood-thinning plant and can increase the risk of uncontrollable bleeding. Some people have also experienced an allergic reaction.

This is to inform you that we are not doctors. What is written above has a simple character and in no way replaces medical application. Always consult your doctor about your health issues.