Couch Grass
Cost per kilo 15,00 €

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Couch grass is a very common perennial species of grass native to most of Europe, Asia and the Arctic biome, and northwest Africa. It has been brought into other mild northern climates for folage or erosion control, but is often considered a weed. Other names include common couch, twitch, quick grass, quitch grass, dog grass, quckgrass, scutch grass and witchgrass.

The rhizome took its latter name from the tendency of dogs to dig it up and eat it when they felt ill. In human treatments, the rhizome of this grass is the part used for medicinal purposes. Its demulcent, diuretic and antibiotic properties have since been recognized even by many practitioners of modern sience.

The beneficial constituents of couch grass include the polysaccharide triticin, mucilage, potassium, zinc and volatile oil agropyrene. These benefitial nutrients are typically derived through decoction as a tea or as a tincture.

Couch grass has been used for many yeats by the French as an alternative medicine, and although it is said its taste is unpleasant, it is still consumed by many for its beneficial properties. Couch grass is great for cleaning the kidneys and drain the liver.

The dried rhizomes of couch grass were broken up and used as incence in medieval northern Europe, where other resin-based types of incense were unavailable. Couch grass rhizomes have been used in traditional Austrian medicine against fever, internally as a tea, syrup or cold maceration in water, or externally applied as a crude drug. During periods of intense famish, couch grass was roasted and ground and was used to substitute coffee and flour.

Medicinal Application:

Couch grass is a highly diuretic rhizome and contributes in the good funtioning of the kidneys

Due to its diuretic nature, it helps the body expel toxins

It offers healing properties in regards to urinary tract infections such as cystitis and urethretis

It increases the body of urine excreted from the body

Couch grass is excellent in helping gallbladder and kindey stones to pass through the urinary tract and out of the system.

In cases of enlarged prostates and prostates inflammation called prostatitis, couch grass is an excellent healing and anti inflammatory agent.

Alongside the minerals and metals the rhizome contains, it is very potent in vitamin A, B, potassium and iron.

Safety Profile:

Couch grass is generally thought to be a safe herb, with some reported serious adverse events. Few cases of side effects are enhancing heart rate and rhythm, nausea and vomiting have been reported.

This is to inform you that we are not doctors. What is written above has a simple character and in no way replaces medical application. Always consult your doctor about your health issues.