All Spice
Cost per kilo 24,00 €

Select form(grounded, whole)

Allspice, also called Jamaican pepper, myrtle pepper and newspice among other names is a spice native in Central America and Mexico. In reality, it is an unripe dried fruit. It is very similar to black pepper in appearance, only larger in size. Its fragrance has a vague resemblance to black pepper, cinnamon, clove and nutmeg combined, thus earning the name “allspice” it has been given.

It is very suitable in cookies, red tomato sauces, pot dishes, marinades and soups. However, to ensure the preservation of the flavour and the fragrance, it is best advised to grind the spice and add it just before the last stages of cooking. 

The spice originates in Jamaica, which is the largest producer of the fruit. First arriving in Europe with Christopher Colombus, it was thought that the spice was the american black pepper.

Medicinal Application:

  • It helps with indigestion and flatulence, especially when using its decoction.
  • It is used as a cough remedy
  • It helps sooth stomach aches
  • Poultice dampened with allspice decoction helps relieve rheumatic pain and neuralgias.
  • Helps relieve from headaches
  • It is rich in Vitamins A and C and important minerals like calcium, copper, iron and manganese. 

We inform you that we are not doctors but traders. What is written in our online store has a simple informative character and in no way replaces medical science. Always consult your doctor about your health issues.