Mustard Seeds
Cost per kilo 6,00 €

Mustard seeds are the small round seeds of various mustard plants which grow all over the world. They are important herbs in many regional foods and may come from three different plants: black mustard, brown Indian mustard and white mustard. It is a plant which has little need in water and grows in temperate regions including Canada, Nepal, Hungary, Great Britain, Pakistan and the United States.

The seeds' most common usage is as poultice after being pulverized. Regionally, the seeds, as well as mustard oil are also used in many traditional dishes one which is roasting the seeds until they pop and another being traditional spicy fish.

Mustard oil is also very efficient when used to alleviate arthritic pain. It can also help heal bruises and sprains because it induces hyperemia, which helps the affected area heal faster. Women use it to remove tan and dark spots from their face and skin and to lighten the facial skin, riding it from pimples. Due to the oil's high concentration in vitamin E, it can be used as an anti-wrinkle agent, while providing an efficient sunshield effect. Women in India also use mustard oil in their mane to help it grow long faster and to make the follicles strong and resistant. It is also believed that mustard oil prolongs the melanin production inside hair follicles, helping the hair rettain their natural black color for longer while also providing a natural dyeing effect.

During the Medieval era, mustard seeds were used as a perservation mean in food, to keep bacteria away. The ancient Greeks made mustard out of mustard seeds already sicne the 400 b.C and the plant's oil was used for chest massages and inside foot baths. It is said that people used to place the small seeds inside their socks to keep their feet warm during the winter. However, that practise held many dangers because the seeds can cause skin irritation due to their strong warming effect. It is also said the Alexander the Great has sent a bag full of mustard seeds to his enemy, to suggest his army's strength.

Medicinal Application:

  • The seeds contain sufficient amount of vitamin C, E, beta-caroten, antioxidants, iron and calcium.
  • They boost the system's natural defences.
  • Mustard seeds help fight off infections.
  • They help alleviate bronchitis and throat pain, when gargled.
  • They relieve rheumatic and artheritic pain when used as cataplasm or when the areas affected are massaged with mustard oil.
  • They help in bowel movement and to treat constipation.
  • When mixing the seeds with honey, the mixture can be used to treat bruising.

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