Cost per kilo 24,00 €


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Widely renowned since ancient times for their distinctive flavor and aroma, cumin seeds are commonly featured in the cuisines of the North African, Middle-Eastern, Eastern Mediterranean, Western Chinese, Indian, Cuban and North Mexican.

It fits perfectly in chicken dishes, as well as in meatballs, liver, fresh salads, causes and roastes or boiled potatoes.

One of the spice's traditional usages in Ancient Egypt was its utilization as a medicine for treating pneumonic infections as well as being used in the mummification procedure. In the Medieval period it was considered a commonly found condiment and they used the spores in a poultice to helo treat health issues like orchitis. The spice's infusion was used to wash the ears in cases of poor hearing.

The midwives who helped women give labor to their children, anoited the babies with salt and cumin powder to help fight off infections once they were born, cut the umbilical cord and swaddled the newborn babies. One of the many other uses it had in the medieval period was that it was thrown around the perimeter of one's house to oust thieves.

Mecinal Applications:

  • It is a natural booster for the immune system
  • It helps with digestion
  • It has strong anti-cancer action against tumors developing inside the stomach and liver
  • It is highly antioxidant
  • It is an excellent expectorant and helps clean the airway from unnecessary mucus
  • When infused in tea, it has great heart strenghtening abilities and helps with any heart disease
  • It is a mild antiseptic
  • Boosts general metabolic rate
  • Helps decrease blood sugar levels
  • Is very anti-inflammatory
  • It contains essential vitamins like niacin, thiamin, vitamic A, C, E and K.
  • It is also very rich in minerals like calcium and copper

We inform you that we are not doctors but traders. What is written in our online store has a simple informative character and in no way replaces medical science. Always consult your doctor about your health issues.

nutrition facts