Cost per kilo 36,00 €

Asafoetida is a herb native to the deserts of Iran and the Afghanistan mountainsides. Despite its herbal nature, it is also used in cooking and eventhough in its' dried form it emits a strong sulfurous odour, when cooked it delivers a much more pleasant flavour resembling that of leeks.

The herb is also known as asant, food of the gods and stinking gum among others.

In ancient Greece, women used it as a natural contraceptive mean, especially during times of war.

In cooking, asafoetida is used mainly in vegeterian dishes, like curry lentils and it has the ability to harmonize sweet, sour, salty and spicy flavours in a dish.

In moderation, it can also be mixed with salt and added raw in a fresh salad.

Medical Applications:

  • It helps in cases of bronchitis and chronic asthma
  • It alleviates menstrual cramping and pain
  • It is an excellent digestion aid
  • It is a well known antiflatulent
  • It can be used as a contraceptive or abortifacient mean
  • It helps fight influenza and has an antimicrobial nature
  • It is also used as an antiepileptic

We inform you that we are not doctors but traders. What is written in our online store has a simple informative character and in no way replaces medical science. Always consult your doctor about your health issues.

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