Unshelled Sesame
Cost per kilo 6,00 €

Sesame is a flowering plant that holds significant nutritional value all over the world. It grows wildy in many regions across the world but it has been naturalized in tropical regions and is cultivated for its edible seeds. China and India are the biggest producers to date. 

Sesame seed is one of the oldest oilseed crops know, domesticated well over 3000 years ago. It has little need in water supply and it grows in places where other plants fail to. 

Sesame has one of the highest oil contents of any other seed. It has a rich, nutty flavor and is comonnly used in cuisines all across the globe. It is reported that sesame can help prevent against heart attacks and can help cure some forms of cancer. It is a vey useful aliment for people who avoid eating meat eventhough it cannot replace it alltogether. Sesame oil is also as priced, used in cosmetology and perfume making.

 In many cuisines, ranging from Japanese to Greek, they use it in many dishes, like sushi and sweets in Japan to bread, pies, or cakes in Creece. It is also a very popular ingredient used by major fast food companies. 

Medicinal Application: 

•       It contains protein, carbonhydrates, fibers, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, iron, good amounts of vitamin E, B, aminoacids, polyunsaturated fat acids, glucose, small amounts of fructose and sterols

•       It is highly antioxidant

•       It can help with metabolic reactions

•       It prevents from heart disease

•       It has anti-cancer application, especially against breast and prostate cancer

•       It has numerous anti-aging properties

•       It shelters against osteoporosis

•       It helps the liver funtion better

•       It hεlps control hypertension.

•       It protects against hardening of the arteries

•       It boosts the entire system

•       It helps prevent diseases like Alzheimer and Parkison

•       It is considered a strong antidiabetic food

•       It helps boost the system's defences naturally

•       The seeds help prevent and strengthen the eyes against cataract

•       It helps lower bad cholesterol levels

•       It helps normalize blood pressure levels

•       It contributes in flushing out toxins and free radicals from the body

 This is to inform you that we are not doctors. What is written above has a simple character and in no way replaces medical application. Always consult your doctor about your health issues.

nutrition facts