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Thyme is an evergreen herb with culinary, medical and ornamental uses. Thyme is of the genus Thymus of the mint family and a relative to the oregani genus Origanum.

Historically, ancient Egyptians used thyme for embalming. The ancient Greeks used it in their baths and burnt it as incense in their temples, believing it was a source of courage. The spread of thyme throughout Europe was thought to be due to the Romans, as they used it to purify their rooms and to give an aromatic flavor to cheese and liqueurs. In the European Middle Ages, the herb was placed beneath pillows to aid sleep and ward off nightmares. In this period, women also often fave knights and warriors gifts that included thyme leaves, as it was believed to bring courage to the bearer. Thyme was also used as incense and placed on coffins during funerals, as it was supposed to assure passage into the next life.

In some Levantine countries, and Assyria, the condiment za'atar, which is the arabic word for thyme, contains the herb as a vital ingredient. Thyme is sold both fresh and dried. It is usually preferred in red meat, chicken and lamb dishes, pasta and even fresh salads.

Apart from its fragrance, thyme is perhaps best known for being a rich source of iron. There are a lot of other nutrients in thyme. Thyme is also a rich source of vitamin K and manganese. Being green and leafy, they also have a lot of dietary fiber and calcium. Thyme is also low in calories, and therefore, it is an ideal accompaniment for all kinds of foods. It is known to have active compounds that are good for the treatment of respiratory infections and problems such as cough, chest congestion and even bronchitis. It had a lot of healing effects that stem from large quantities of a volatile oil known as thymol.

Medicinal Applications:

  • Thymol, the volatile oil found in thyme, has antioxidant properties that can be used for the protection of the body against carcinogenic oxygen radicals.
  • Thymol, apart from being an anti-carcinogenic, is documented to have anti-aging effects on test animals. Since thymol protects cell membranes from damage from free oxygen radicals, it helps enhance your overall organ functioning.
  • Dietary supplementation with thyme can help increase the amount of DHA, an essential fatty acid, to reach various parts of your body, especially the brain. This enhances mental prowess and improves mental acuity. It also slows down thr aging of the brain cells.
  • Thyme is also rich in flavonoids such as apigenin, luteolin, naringenin and thymonin. All of these flavonoids improve the antioxidant activity of thyme, making it an extremely healthful food.
  • Thyme also offers the benefit of antimicrobial activity. Regular consumption of thyme can help inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi in the body. If bacteria and fungi are already present in your body, consuming thyme can help reduce their numbers and treat any health conditions that they may be causing. Thyme can be used to preserve foods and protect them from microbial contamination.
  • Adding fresh thyme to uncooked foods, especially salad greens, can help prevent microbial infections. Thyme is usually added to salad dressings for this very purpose. Some people also wash raw foods with a mixture of water, vinegar and thyme, to protect them against microbial contamination.
  • Apart from the heavy antioxidant activity, thyme is also a nutrient dense herb that contains a lot of health promoting nutrients. The calcium and dietary fiber in thyme can promote good health, improve digestion, and prevent calcium-related bone and skeletal disorders.
  • It can help heal respiratory infections and chest and nasal congestions. It can help also bring an end to rheum which is caused from allergic reactions to pollen.