Free shipping on orders over 90 euros, enjoy 5% discount on orders over 40 euros. Get an additional 3% off on orders over 60 euros
shipping & paymentsChives are a kind of vegetable that grows easily everywhere in spring. It has a green color, cylindrical and thin shape with a cool, mild smell and its taste stumbles on onion, garlic and leek together but very mild and fine. Chives do not need any special preparation for cooking and can be eaten raw or cooked and a small amount is enough to make a tasty difference in the recipes added.
We believe that dried vegetables give us solutions in the kitchen because it is not a few times that we do not have fresh available in our refrigerator and we find out when we cook. So keeping the dried chives in the refrigerator in an airtight jar can be used at any time all year round.
Chives fit wonderfully in vegetable recipes e.g. vegetable ograten, dolmadas and stuffed, as well as goes in all recipes with potatoes eg potato salad and puree. It is added to pasta salads, yogurt or lemon dressings for green salads. Soak the chives in apple cider vinegar and pour it into the salad of your choice. Flavors nice sauces of all kinds, salmon dishes, pumpkin soups and omelets.
Free shipping on orders over 90 euros, enjoy 5% discount on orders over 40 euros. Get an additional 3% off on orders over 60 euros
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