Saffran Greek Organic 1gr. (8 - 12 Portions)
Cost per piece 5,00 €

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Saffron is a spice derived from the flower Crocus Sativus commonly known as “saffron crocus”. The stigmas and threads from the flowers, when ready to be harvested, are collected and dried to be used mainly as a seasoning or as a coloring agent in food. It needs to be used wisely however, because imprudent usage can cause problems due to the spice's toxicity in high concentration.

Saffron is one of the most costly spices by weight worldwide and is native to Greece or Southwest Asia. It was most probably first cultivated in or near Greece. The reason crocus's cost is so high is because the collection of the threads is a job purely done by hand. A hundred and fifty thousand flowers are needed to produce a kilo of saffron.

Traditional Greek mythology reports that Crocus was a friend of the god Hermes and one day, as they were practising the discus, the object accidentally hit Crocus in the head and killed him. Upon his death, two drops of blood fell on a flower nearby and the flower acquired the name of the deceased man. Etymological analysis of the name tells that the word crocus in Greek means “thread” and it is derived from the word “κρόκη” (kroki). Hippocrates, Dioskourides and Galenus make reference to saffron as a very healing herb and medicine. It is considered to have painkilling, antipyretic and healing action, it helps treat insomnia and it soothes the stomach.

It is said that queen Cleopatra used saffron as an aromatic and coloring agent in the murals painted in the temples. Likewise, it was used in the same way during the Minoan and Classic Greek era. The Ancient Greeks were aware of the spice's pharmaceutical effect, as they used it to treat insomnia and hungover. Another recorded usage of saffron was to be placed as a fragrance inside public bathhouses. It is also a very well known aphrodisiac and the Arabs used it as an anesthetic.

Medicinal Applications:

  • It helps boost memory
  • Safranal, an active volatile oil found in the spice, has antioxidant, cytotoxic effect on cancer cells, anticonvulsant and antidepressant properties
  • It highly considered and used as an aphrodisiac

This is to inform you that we are not doctors. What is written above has a simple character and in no way replaces medical application. Always consult your doctor about your health issues.

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