Carob Syrup 250ml
Cost per piece 6,00 €

The locust bean is a long-lived tree that grows fruits, the so-called locusts. They are honeyed, sweet, delicious, they look like small peppers, they have a brown color and a woody texture.

Carob honey is a derivative of locusts, it is the honey that results from boiling them, it has a dense liquid texture and a black color. We would say that its appearance is reminiscent of grape syrup, it is heavy, rich, sticky and has a bitter and sweet taste at the same time. It is used in cooking and confectionery as a sweetener and is used instead of sugar in bakery products, beverages, ice cream and yogurt.

In which recipes is carob syrup used?

Use the carob honey instead of sugar and make homemade chocolates, cookies, crackers, cakes, bread, raisin bread, rusks, pastries, cereal bars. Pour it in all drinks, smoothies and homemade juices. Drizzle with carob honey waffles, ice creams, donuts, pancakes. Make marinades, salad dressings and chutneys. Make halva and baklava syrup and bread spreads.