Organic Coconut Sugar
Cost per kilo 9,00 €

Coconut sugar comes from the nectar of its flowers, and its bark. It has not been filtered, does not contain preservatives and is unbleached. It is odorless, does not have the aroma of coconut fruit and its texture is similar to the well-known brown sugar. It changes the taste of the drinks that are added e.g. in tea, herbs and coffee.

When used in the preparation of sweets and heated, then it takes on a liquid thick form and crystallizes and becomes solid when it cools. We believe that if it is added, for example, to a strudel, it must necessarily be placed in a greased pan. Add the coconut sugar to the chocolate bar with cookies.

Coconut sugar is a very nice easy to use material. Use it instead of white sugar in your recipes. Give a sweet taste to any sweet dish you want, but you should keep in mind that you may need to add a little more of it, because it is not as sweet as white sugar to make successful dishes. It is ideal to follow recipes with coconut sugar.

In which recipes coconut sugar is used

Use coconut sugar to make cakes, buns, cookies, chocolate bars, croissants, strudels, brownies, muffins, cinnamon rolls, ice cream, raisin bread, rusks, pancakes, breadsticks, apple pie, chocolate pie and all-you-can-eat chips. Sweeten hot chocolate drink, milkshakes, smoothies, herbal and tea drinks, coffee.

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