Green Tea (gun Powder)
Cost per kilo 17,00 €

πρασινο τσαι gun powder
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Authentic Chinese tea, in best quality of its kind. Tender leaves of green tea in peculiar balls well wrapped and ornately tightly tied to keep and keep their aroma well enclosed inside them. And when they are immersed in hot water, their unique smell and special taste is folded and released.

Tea with slightly bitter taste and subtle aroma. The fact that it wakes us up and stimulates us is due to the presence of tea in this tea and we consume it for the abundance of its stimulants. The longer it stays in the hot water during its preparation, the more bitter it will taste and the darker it will look. That is why we consider that the ideal time to stay in the water is 2-3 minutes.



·        Always use fresh water and not water that has been left in the teapot or kettle for hours.

·        Do not leave the tea bag in the cup while drinking it because its taste will be greatly altered.

·        Black, green and white tea when left in the water for a long time become heavy and bitter.

This is to inform you that we are not doctors. What is written above has a simple character and in no way replaces medical application. Always consult your doctor about your health issues.