Greek Mountain Tea Sideritis Scardica Organic 2021
Cost per kilo 42,00 €

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Sideritis, also known as ironwort, mountain tea and shepherd's tea, is a genus of flowering plants well known for their use as herbal medicine, commonly as an herbal tea. Mountain tea is abundant in Mediterranean regions, the Balkans, the Iberian Peninsula and Macaronesia, but can also be found in Central Europe and temperate Asia.

In Greek Sideritis can be literally translated as “he who is made of iron or has iron”. The plant was known to ancient Greeks, specifically Pedanius Dioscorides and Theophrastus. Although Dioscorides describes three species, only one is thought to actually belong to Sideritis. In ancient times, Sideritis was a generic reference for plants capable of healing wounds caused by iron weapons during battles.

Sheperd's tea is very popular in Greece, Albania, Kosovo, Bulgaria and FYROM and is used as an herb either for the preparation of herbal teas, or for its aromatic properties in local cuisines. The herbal tea is commonly prepared as a decoction, by boiling the stems, leaves and flowers in a pot of water, then often serving with honey and lemon. Irowort has been traditionally used to aid in digestion, strengthen the immune system and suppress common cold, the flu and other viruses, allergies and shortness of breath, sinus congestion even pain and mild anxiety. It is anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Active compounds include diterpenoid and flavonoids. It can be used to prevent colds, flu and allergies.

Medicinal Application:

Shepherd's tea is rich in flavonoids, natural antioxidants and essential oils. It holds anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-spasmodic properties and can reduce oxidative stress.

Shepherd's tea extract was found to lower blood pressure levels while helping blood vesses to relax. A dose of the herbal extract can lead to blood vessel dilation, which helps lower blood pressure levels and reduce stress on the heart muscle.

Greek mountain tea can reduce inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, due to the presence of phenols and antioxidants found naturally in the plants. It has also been proven that long term consumption of mountain tea led to reduced inflammation and toxicity, protecting the system in the meantime.

Greek mountain tea is excellent for upper respiratory tract issues, like asthma, dry cough, sinus congestion and can effectively deal with common cold and flu.

It is excellent in protecting the body from blood clotting, thus protecting the heart, brain and the entire body as well.

Due to its high content in calcium and other minerals, shepherd's tea is very effective in treating osteoporosis and help protect the bones in general. It can increase the bone mass ans bone density.

This is to inform you that we are not doctors. What is written above has a simple character and in no way replaces medical application. Always consult your doctor about your health issues.

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