Mung Bean
Cost per kilo 3,80 €

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Mung beans are a type of small, green legume in the same plant family as peas and lentils. They are high in protein, fiber, antioxidants and phytonutrients. Although, they are less popular than other bean varieties, much like chickpeas and black beans, Mung bean have a lot of health benefits to offer.

Mung beans have been included in the Ayurvedic diets in India for thousands of years. They are considered to be one of the most cherished foods in the ancient Indian practice and they have been included in their traditional medicinal practices for more than 1,500 years. Nowadays, mung beans are beginning to be included in protein powders and many more other products.

Mung beans are a high source of many nutrients including manganese, potassium, magnesium, folate, copper, zinc and various B vitamins. They are also a very filling food, high in protein, resistant starch and dietary fiber. Due to their high nutrient density, mung beans are considered useful in defending against several chronic, age-related diseases, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity.

Medicinal Applications:

·        Mung beans are a powerful anti-aging agents. They contain copper, which reduces the presence of wrinkles, age spots and age lines from the skin.

·        Mung beans provide the skin with radiance and shine due to the presence of copper.

·        Again, the presence of copper in mung beans ensures proper utilization of iron, calcium and magnesium in the human body. Consumption of mung beans replenishes the human body with required amounts of copper, which in turn ensures that iron works efficiently throughout the body. Iron helps the proper supply of oxygen to the brain and this maintains the health of the scalp, offering shiny, long and strong hair.

·        People who usually suffer from poor metabolism are also plighted with indigestion and stomach acidity. Mung beans are rich in fiber and increase the digestive rate of the body. They are responsible for increasing the overall metabolic rate. Fiber also eases motion by making feces soft. This makes motion easier and reduces indigestion and acidity.

·        The increased digestive and metabolic rate that mung beans provide decreases in turn the formation and accumulation of cholesterol in the arterial walls and capillaries.

·        Mung beans can be easily digested since they are rich in fiber and are perfect for someone suffering from an illness, as they are a crucial part of one’s recovery.

·        Mung beans can be consumed as a natural calcium supplement. They maintain bone health and can keep you safe from fractures as they strengthen the bones, increasing bone density.

·        Mung beans can be used to help in weight loss, as they offer little calories in a 100 gram ratio.

·        Other than calcium, mung beans are also rich in sodium. Sodium is needed for the health of one’s gums and teeth. Gum issues, like pain, reddening, foul odor, gum bleeding and weakness can be prevented with the consumption of sodium rich foods.

·        It is a proven fact that mung beans are fat controllers and regulators. Moreover, the presence of large amounts of magnesium makes it a very potent blood pressure regulator, as magnesium eases blood vessels and lowers hypertension. This, in turn, keeps the blood pressure of the body under control.

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