Flaxseed (gold)
Cost per kilo 8,80 €

Flaxseed is a hard-shelled, brown seed with a light hazelnut flavor and is available either whole, ground or peeled.

If you get it peeled or broken, you can eat it at any time as you wish. If you take it whole you should know that it is so indigestible. You must either grind it in the blender and consume it in time, or soak it overnight and use it the next day.It can be used to a variety of recipes.

Uses of gold flaxseed:

  • Add it to the oatmeal milk in the morning.
  • We put it in yogurt with honey with fruits and seeds of our choice.
  • We add it to green salads e.g. along with sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pine cones, raisins, cranberries.
  • We make smoothies
  • We throw it in soups
  • We make cereal bars
  • Add it to the minced meat mixture and make burgers or meatballs.
  • We either sprinkle it on top of doughs or throw it in them to make pies, bread, cookies, breadsticks, buns, toasts, cakes and pastries.

This is to inform you that we are not doctors. What is written above has a simple character and in no way replaces medical application. Always consult your doctor about your health issues.