Chili Powder
Cost per kilo 12,00 €

Chili powder is the dried pulverized fruit of one or more varieties of chili pepper. It is used to add pungency or piquancy and flavor to dishes and as an addition to many types of spicy sauces. Usually, chili powder is known by the specific type of chili pepper used, such as cayenne pepper. It is a very popular ingredient in many cuisines like Texan-Mexican, Indian, Chinese, Thai and Korean.

Chili and chili peppers have to be handled with care, because burning can be induced if the fruit is touched with bare hands and then the user touches their face or eyes.

Chili helps burn calories and it has proven useful against obesity and fat loss. The spice contains capsaicin, the most active ingredient present in the peppers which is responsible for the increase in blood circulation and the alteration of bodily heat. Capsaicin and its co-compounds are being employed in preparation of ointments, rubs and tinctures for their very effective analgesic, astrigent and counter-irritant action. Chili contains a chemical compound which is used in dissolving painting color.

Traditionally, chili peppers were hung from the ceiling of people's homes to remove negative energy. Chili peppers were also placed inside socks to keep the feet warm and a mix of water and chili powder was used as a gargle to soothe throat pain.

Medicinal Applications:

  • Chili peppers and chili powder have thermal and perspirative effect
  • It has antiseptive and antibiotic application
  • It increases blood circulation towards the skin's surface
  • It has analgesic, astringent and counter-irritant action
  • Chili pepper contains an impressive list of plant derived chemical compounds that are known to have disease preventing and health promoting properties.
  • The alkaloid compound inside peppers, capsaicin, has been found to have anti-bacterial, anti-carcinogenic, anti-diabetic properties
  • It is also found to reduce LDL cholesterol levels in obese individuals
  • Finally, the active compounds in chili have been in use in the treatment of arthritic pain, post-herpetic neuropathic pain, sore muscles etc.

We inform you that we are not doctors but traders. What is written in our online store has a simple informative character and in no way replaces medical science. Always consult your doctor about your health issues.

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