Cost per kilo 10,00 €

πιπερόριζα (τζίντζερ)

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Ginger is an Asian herbaceous perennial and is used as a seasoning and a spice. With a slight sour and spicy flavor, it is a very celebrated spice and folk medicine.

In Greece's Corfu, as well as in England and broader Asia they make ginger beer out of dried ginger root, sugar and yeast, named respectively in every diffent region. In Corfu for instance, it is called zingiberis beer. In India, fresh ginger root tea is served to children affected by pertussis. In the Caribbean, ginger is the most used spice both in the kitchen as well in beverage making. A very noted Caribbean Christmas beverage is “Sorrel” a drink made from hibiscus flowers, which is flavored with ginger and allspice and then sweetened with sugar and rum. The Jamaicans use ginger in their meat jerkies and the Japanese use grated ginger as a main ingredient in tofu and noodles.

In various reports, ginger was found mentioned in one of Confucious's writings. Later, it was used by the Chinese in many medical recipies which covered a broad range of illnesses, for example common cold, bad circulation, and for heart fortification reasons. In medieval Europe ginger was persumed to originate from Eden's Garden, a belief which made ginger a very respected plant.

Medicinal Applications:

  • Ginger can be used to alleviate nausea.
  • It is highly anti-inflammatory.
  • Has strong antiseptic action.
  • It geatly helps with peptic disturbances, indigestion, colic pain and gas.
  • It helps treat gastrointestinal infections and a few cases of food poisoning.
  • It increases perspiration.
  • It boosts the systems overall immunity.
  • It helps flush out excessive toxins from the body.
  • It works as decongestant against rheum and sinusitis and also helps fight against allergic rheum.
  • It protects against viruses which cause the flu, tonsilitis and bronchitis.
  • It helps eliminate coughing and sore throat cases, when made into a tea and consumed 4-5 per day.

Beware : Ginger causes insomnia, so do not consume in the afternoor or at night.

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