Ceylon Cinnamon
Cost per kilo 28,00 €

κανελα κευλανης
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Cinnamomum verum, called the true cinnamon tree or Ceylon cinnamon tree is a small evergreen tree, native to Sri Lanka. The cinnamon derived from the inner bark of the tree is considered to be the real, authentic cinnamon, in comparison to Cinnamomum Cassia or Chinese Cassia, which is the type of cinnamon most commonly used.

Ceylon cinnamon is much richer in medicinal and healing properties and much more qualitative.

The plant's bark is used as a spice and healing agent. It has been known and used since antiquity. It was imported to Egypt as early as 2000 BC and was so highly prized among ancient nations that it was regarded a fitted gift for a monarch or a god; an ancient inscription records the gift of cinnamon to the temple of Apollo and Miletus.

The first Greek reference to kasia is found in a poem by Sappho and Herodotus reported that both cassia and cinnamon grew in Arabia together with incense, myrrh and ladanum. Also, the mythical bird phoenix was reputed to build its nest from cinnamon and cassia.

Cinnamon bark, as well as the powder, is used as a spice and has many recorded applications. It is principally used in cooking as a condiment and flavoring material. It is very common in chocolate and dessert recipes, like apple pie, doughnuts, cinnamon buns as well as in coffee, spicy candies, tea, hot cocoa and many others. In Middle East, cinnamon is used in preparation of savoury dishes including lamp and chicken.

However many applications it can have in cooking it is also a very strong, important medicinal plant, used for centuries for its healing nature.

Medicinal Applications:

  • Cinnamon regulates glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides levels inside the blood and system
  • It alleviates digestive tract abnormalities as well as soothes pain caused from them
  • It boosts the circulatory system's function
  • It has anticoagulatory and antithrombotic application and usage
  • It is highly anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
  • Cinnamon is very rich in calcium, magnesium and dietary fibers
  • It promotes heart and blood vessel health
  • It is very thermal and boosting
  • It soothes menstrual pain
  • It has anti-bacterial action, as it prevents the development and spreading of E. Coli bacteria and Candida Albicans mycete
  • It is alleged that Ceylon cinnamon combined with raw honey provides anti-cancer protection

Beware: Cinnamon or cassia must not be consumed during pregnancy, due to the cinnamon's stimulating action.

We inform you that we are not doctors but traders. The information indicated in our e-shop is for informational purposes only and in no way does it replace medical science. Always consult your doctor about your health problems. 

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