Pure Sea Salt From Messolonghi
Cost per kilo 5,00 €

Αλάτι Fleur de sel
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The natural salt of Messolonghi is a pure table salt of superior quality. It is a natural sea salt of Greek salt pans of Messolonghi, rich in iodine, which has not undergone any chemical treatment and which does not contain chemical additives.

The crystals of natural salt are collected from the salts, which accumulate there as the water evaporates to form a foam. It is crystalline, clean, full of trace elements. Salt with delicate aromas, with a strong salty taste. Due to its non-chemical treatment, the salt has retained its moisture, which is why it is due to its muddy texture. The natural salt of Messolonghi should not be placed in the mill. Use it in all recipes, keeping in mind that this particular salt is saltier than the rest on the market.

The natural salt is collected in early September from the salt marshes of the Mesolonghi lagoon, before the rains begin. The region produces the largest amount of salt in our country.