Free shipping on orders over 90 euros, enjoy 5% discount on orders over 40 euros. Get an additional 3% off on orders over 60 euros
shipping & paymentsPeanut, also known as groundnut and goober, is a crop of global importance. It is widely grown in the tropics and subtropics and peanut pods develop under the ground, which is very unusual among crop plants. In all actuality, peanuts are legumes and not nuts, and they belong to the Fabaceae botanical family, which is the bean or pea family. Peanuts are similar in taste and nutritional profile to tree nuts such as walnuts and almonds and are often served in a similar way.
Peanuts are delicious, crunchy and nutty and are one of the most popular oil seeds known to mankind since centuries. They are enriched with many noteworthy health-benefiting nutrients, essential for optimum health and wellness.
Medicinal Applications:
• Peanuts are rich in energy and contain health benefiting nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins that are essential for optimum health.
• They compose sufficient levels of mono-unsaturated fatty acids, especially oleic acid. Oleic acid helps lower LDL cholesterol levels and increase HDL good cholesterol levels in the blood.
• Peanuts are a good source of protein. They compose fine quality amino acids that are essential for growth and development.
• Peanuts contain high concentrations of poly-phenolic antioxidants, primarily p-coumaric acid. This compound has been thought to reduce the risk of stomach cancer by limiting formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines in the stomach.
• Peanuts are an excellent source of resveratrol, another polyphenolic antioxidant. It can protect against cancers, heart disease, degenerative nerve disease, Alzheimer's disease and viral or fungal infections.
• Resveratrol in peanuts may also reduce stroke risk through altering molecular mechanisms in the blood vessels by reducing susceptibility to vascular damage through decreased activity of angiotensin, a systemic hormone responsible for blood vessel constriction that would elevate blood pressure, and by increasing production of vasodilator hormone nitric oxide.
• Roasting, or boiling peanuts enhances antioxidant bio-availability. Boiling them increases isoflavone antioxidants biochanin-A and genistein by two to four-fold.
• The kernels are an excellent source of vitamin E, which is a powerful lipid soluble antioxidant which helps maintain the integrity of cell membrane of mucus membranes and skin by protecting from harmful oxygen free radicals.
• The nuts are also packed with many important B-complex groups of vitamins like riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6 and folates.
• The nuts are also rich in minerals like copper, manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and selenium.
This is to inform you that we are not doctors. What is written above has a simple character and in no way replaces medical application. Always consult your doctor about your health issues.
Free shipping on orders over 90 euros, enjoy 5% discount on orders over 40 euros. Get an additional 3% off on orders over 60 euros
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