Baking Powder
Cost per kilo 5,00 €

Baking Powder is an odorless material in the form of a white powder, which is used as a swelling medium in yeasts. A minimum quantity is sufficient (more times 1tbsp or 1/2 tbsp) to take directly to the flour mixture so that when heated and cooked, it will double the volume of dough and give a uniform and fluffy effect in gastronomic creations added.

Baking Powder is usually confused with baking soda, but we need to be careful because there is a risk that the dish we want to prepare will be destroyed.

In which recipes is baking powder used?

Use baking powder in recipes for pastries that ask for it to make cakes, pies, cookies, buns, pancakes, muffins, donuts, breadsticks, cupcakes, cookies, apple pies, lemon pies and almost all sweets.

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