Pink Pepper
Cost per kilo 35,00 €

A pink peppercorn is the dried berry of the Peruvian peppertree shrub.

Although usually a peppercorn is the dried fruit of any plant from the genus Piper, pink peppercorns came to be known as such because they resemble peppercorn in shape and bear the same peppery flavour. However, as the berries are a member of the cashew family, they might cause alelergic reactions including anaphylaxis for individuals suffering from tree nut allergy.

At some point, the Food and Drug Administration banned the import of Brazilian peppercorns from France into the States, asserting that people who eat the dried berries risk an array of acute symptoms, including swollen eyelids and indigestion, similar to poison ivy. However, the Government of France maintained that pink peppercorns are safe to be consumed if grown in proper, prescribed conditions. Later, the ban was lifted and the import of the berries was allowed again.

Pink peppercorns are very fitting in savoury dishes that include meat, as well as sweet dishes. It is also common in confectionery, and is especially used in a Middle Eastern recipe consisting of chocolate souffle with red peppercorn. Crushed red peppercorn is perfect inside and on top of a hot cup of chocolate, along with cinnamon, cardamom and black peppercorn.

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