Golden Raisin (Sultanas)
Cost per kilo 8,00 €

Raisins, both gold and black are acquired by drying grapes. Raisins are very loved by people and especially children, either black or golden. They are widely employed in cooking around the world, especially in desserts, and are also added to health tonics, snacks and compact, high-energy food supplements.

 The health benefits of golden raisins include relief from constipation, anemia, fever and sexual dysfunction. They have also been used for many years in attempts to gain weight healthily, as well as improve eye health, dental care and bone quality.

 The grape drying method to obtain raisins has been around since the 1490 B.C. The Armenians and the Phoenicians traded raisins with the Romans and the Greeks and they utilized the dried fruit to decorate their religious sites. Raisins were also offered as a trophy to winning athletes. In ancient Rome, two vases of raisins were used as a trading currency to obtain a slave.

 Medicinal Applications:

•       When ingested, raisins swell due to the high content of fiber present. This, in turn adds bulk to the food moving through the intestinal tract and ultimately provides relief from constipation.

•       In addition to relieving from contipation, sultana raisins can also help to stop loose stools, by absorbing the excess water in the stools, reducing the frequency of diarrhea.

•       Raisins, due to their high content in fructose and glucose can potentially be used for gaining weight in a more controlled, healthy manner. It is an ideal food for athletes and body builders, as it presents a load of good, useful energy.

•       Golden raising are packed with numerous nutrients, vitamins, minerals and amino acids, like selenium, phosphorus which all fascilitate the absorption of other proteins, vitamins and nutrients gained through food, which improves overall energy and immune system strength.

•       Golden raisins contain high amounts of catechins, which are polyphenolic antioxidants in the blood. They can help increase the levels of catechins in the blood, aiding the body in fighting against numerous diseases, including cancer.

•       The high amounts of potassium traced in golden raisins are responsible for a positive effect the fruit has in reducing blood pressure and protecting the integrity of heart health.

•       Raisins have been shown to lower the postprandial insulin respone, meaning that after eating a meal, raisins can help the spikes or plunges in insulin levels that can be dangerous to diabetic patients. Sultanas also modulate the sugar absorption by the body, making it even more stable. Lastly, raisins reduce the production of leptin and ghrelin, two hormones responsible for informing the body when it is hungry or full.

•       Golden raisins, maybe in lessers amounts that black raisins, contain great amounts of iron and members of vitamin B complex that are vital for the formation of new blood. Eating raisins can be a great cure to anemia.

•       Various phenolic phytonutrients abundantly found in raisins hold germicidal, antibiotic and antioxidant properties and can help cure fevers by fighting viral and bacterial infections.

•       Those same phytonutrients can offer protection to the eyes from free radical damage in the form of macular degeneration, age-related weakening of vision and cataracts. Additionally, they contain significant amoutns of vitamin A, A-Beta Carotene and A-Carotenoid, all important for optimal ocular health.

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