Valerian Root
Cost per kilo 19,40 €

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Valerian is a perennial flowering plant, which heads of sweetly scented pink or white flowers that bloom in the summer. Valerian flower extracts were used as a perfume in the 16th centrury.

Valerian root is also popularly known as amantilla, garden valerian, baldrian, Jacob's ladder, phu, blessed herb, capon's tail, all-heal, heliotrope and herba benedicta among others.

The herb is native to Europe and Asia but currently grows in almost all parts of the world. Valeriana officinalis today is cultivated in North America, Europe and Japan.

Valerian has been used as a medicinal herb since at least the time of ancient Greece and Rome. Hippocates described its properties, and Galen later prescribed it as a remedy for insomnia. In medieval Sweden, it was sometimes placed in the wedding clothes of the groom to ward off the “envy” of the elves. It was also mentioned that valerian root was valued as a medicine by the poor in the north of England and the south of Scotland.

Usually the rhizomes, roots and essential oil of the valerian herb is mostly used for herbal preparations. However, the most common use of the herb is the dried root that is utilized to prepare medicines meant for ingestion.

During the Middle Ages, the root of the valerian herb was revered not only as a medicinal drug but also as a pungent aromatic substance for flavoring food. Today valerian is most often used as an alternative medicine for insomnia in place of hypnotic drugs. It is also sometimes used as an alternative for sedatives such as benzodiazepines, in the treatment of certain anxiety disorders. However, research and medical experts warn of valerian side effects resulting from excessive use of the herb in treating insomnia for a long period of time. When used to treat sleeping abnormalities, impatience and anxiousness, and as a muscle relaxant, valerian imparts its effects almost immediately. Herbalists also use valerian for treating gastrointestinal disorders and irritable bowel syndrome. However, in the absence of long term medical research, valerian must be taken only after consultation with a medical expert. Valerian has been used for many years as a sedative. Although some herbalists use the herb to treat epilepsy it is not yet supported by research for long term use. However, some medical research plays a heavy emphasis on valproic acid – an important constituent in valerian – as an anticonvulsant drug and mood-stabilizing agent. Valerian is particularly efficient as a sleeping aid when combined in tea form with St. John's wort or lemon balm. In contrast to most medicinal sleeping drugs, valerian does not bring any notions of stupor upon waking or lead to a chemical habituation. In a particular medical study valerian assisted participants in falling asleep faster and positively altered the quality of their sleep. The tranquilizing effect of the valerian herb on the central nervous system may help in bringing down muscle spasms and avoid the recurrence of convulsions. Valerian is also useful in lowering hypertension and suppresing the growth of tumors.

Usually valerian root is administrated as a dietary supplement. The preperations made from valerian roots, rhizomes and stems are used as teas or tinctures.

Safety profile:

Although a very useful and efficient plant, valerian must not be consumed in large doses because overconsumption may result in stomachache, apathy and a feeling of mental dullness or mild depression. Because of the herb's tranquilizer properties, it may cause dizziness or drowsiness. Also it may cause excessive hypotension. 

This is to inform you that we are not doctors. What is written above has a simple character and in no way replaces medical application. Always consult your doctor about your health issues.