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shipping & paymentsTarragon, is a species of aromatic, perennial herb in the sunflower family. It is considered one of the four finest seasoning ingredients in traditional French cooking. Also commonly known a estragon or dragon herb, this perennial plant is native to most of the Northern Hemisphere including Europe, Asia, India, western North America and parts of northern Mexico. The slender green leaves produced from branched stems of this herb contain aromas and flavors similar to anise. Both the leaves and stems can be used, either fresh or dried, as seasoning in a wide variety of dishes. They are also often steeped in vinegar and soft drinks to impart their unique flavors into the surrounding liquids. There are written records of tarragon cultivation dating back to 500 B.C.
Variations of this plant include “French tarragon” which is best for culinary use, “Russian tarragon” which is better than wild tarragon, but not as good as the French variety for culinary use and lastly “wild tarragon”.
While many people are familiar with the culinary uses of tarragon, most may not be aware of its unique medicinal qualities. This herb has been used by numerous cultures for centuries as a natural treatment for many ailments. In adittion, it is a superb supplement to any diet because it is high in vitamins, potassium and other nutrients that have been proven to provide health benefits. Whether added to foods as a seasoning or taken as a supplement, there are many good reasons for making tarragon a part of an overall diet.
Medicinal Application:
Tarragon has antioxidant properties that can help neutralize the actions of free radicals throughout the body. Free radicals, which are a byproduct of metabolism, have been proven to damage cells unless they are quickly exelled as waste. Tarragon oil works as a free radical scavenger to help stop or decrease the damage radicals can cause.
Throughout history tarragon has been widely used as an aid for toothaches. The ancient Greeks chewed it because of its ability to numb the mouth. This pain relieving effect is due to the high levels of eugenol found in the plant. This is the same pain relieving compound contained in clove oil. It has also been proven tarragon can also help decrease the sore gums that often occur along with toochaches.
Tarragon appears to have chemicals that can help to increase appetite. Whether used as a seasoning herb in cooking or cosumed raw as a small garnish, it may help people who have poor appetite due to age or illness.
Tarragon has long been used as a digestive tonic because it aids in the production of bile by the liver. Not only can it improve natural digestion, but it has also been found to relieve common digestive problems like an upset stomach, irritable bowels and dyspepsia. It has also been used in traditional folk remedies for ridding the bowels of intestinal worms.
The plant can be used as a mild sedative to help relieve anxiety and stess. It is also beneficial in promoting a good night's sleep.
Tarragon contains chemicals that can help support cardiovascular health. These chemicals can assist in keeping blood platelets and other compounds from adhering and accumulating in the heart's blood vessels.
Tarragon has proven useful as a supplement for women who suffer from suppresed menstruation. It has also been promoted as a means for maintaing the overall health of the female reproductive tract. However, it has been found that tarragon should not be used for these reasons while pregnant or nursing.
Because it is rich in potassium and the vitamin A precursor beta carotene, tarragon can assist in the orverall health and function of the eyes.
This is to inform you that we are not doctors. What is written above has a simple character and in no way replaces medical application. Always consult your doctor about your health issues.
Free shipping on orders over 90 euros, enjoy 5% discount on orders over 40 euros. Get an additional 3% off on orders over 60 euros
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