Alexandrian Senna
Cost per kilo 5,40 €

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Alexandrian Senna is an ornamental plant in the Senna genus. It is frequently used in herbalism that is native to North Africa but is also found grown nowadays in India. This plant has large flowets and legume fruits which hare both desirable for their health benefits. Senna has been given the name Alexandrian or Egyptian Senna because of the importance it held in Egyptian ports from antiquity to this day. The flowers, fruits and leaves are usually dried for later use. The plants medicinal benefits have been known for thousands of years.

Traditionally, the plant was well known in the Arabic world for its medicinal benefits. After the 10th century the Arabs spreaded the knowledge of the plant's laxative properties to the rest of Europe. Until then, it was mostly used to treat infectious diseases like leprosy, eye diseases and infections concerning the gastrointestinal system. It only started being considered as a laxative medicine in this century. Paracelsus suggeting consuming senna in combination with leaks and vermout to treat constipation.

The active ingredients in Alexandrian senna include a number of unique acids that have a range of effects on the human body. Some of these organic compounds include chrysophanic acid and cathartic acid, among other uncommon components. While the range of uses is relatively narrow, and traditionally used almost exclusively for purgative treatments, the powerful effects of the plant are being used in many new ways. Senna can be brewed in a tea, the pods can be infused in water, or extracts can be taken from the plant parts to also induce its effects.

Medicinal Application:

The most well known properties attributed to Alexandrian Senna, and the use for which it has been known for thousands of years, is as a laxative substance. It can help loosen up stool and induce excretion, which can significantly help people suffering from severe constipation. Constipation can be very dangerous for the gastrointestinal system, so herbalists often turn to Alexandrian senna to solve the problem.

The bad taste of senna and its almost instantaneous effect on the stomach can also induce vomiting. For people who have consumed something toxic or need to essentially clean their stomach out in a hurry, senna can help very quickly. This detoxyfying effect, although quite extreme, can be helpful for clearing out the stomach, while the powerful laxative effects can clear out the colon. Essentially, the herb can provide a thorough cleansing effect.

The laxative effects of Senna are also anthelmintic, meaning that it helps eliminate any worms or parasites in the gut.

Aside from the plants laxative properties, it can also help to soothe inflamamtion for people suffering from hemorrhoids. By softening stool to such a degree, it prevents bowel movements, which might often happen for those with anal fissures or severe hemorrhoids.

Alexandrian senna is able to prevent the absorption of calories into the blood due to how quickly it causes food to pass through the body.

A paste made from Senna can be applied to the skin to alleviate a wide range of skin irritation conditions, including psoriasis, acne, eczema and pimples. There is an antibacterial element in senna which boosts the immune system against these types of conditions.

Some of the compounds present in the plant bind to the keratin in your hair, thereby protecting it from ultraviolet radation to keep it looking healthy and strong.

This is to inform you that we are not doctors. What is written above has a simple character and in no way replaces medical application. Always consult your doctor about your health issues.