Carob Flour
Cost per kilo 5,50 €

The locust bean is a long-lived tree that grows fruits, the so-called locusts. They are honeyed and delicious. They are long like small peppers, have a brown color, woody texture and sweet honeyed taste. Carob flour is obtained after roasting and grinding carobs. and finds multiple uses in cooking and can be used in recipes that require cocoa. One tablespoon in 500g of dough mixture is enough to darken the foods.

Carob flour is very sweet in taste, so keep in mind that whatever you make will be intensely sweet, so you should always calculate the amount of other sweeteners that you will put in your recipe. Carob flour does not contain gluten, so what we make will not swell, it will not become bulky as we are used to with most flours. We suggest you find recipes with carob flour to successfully make all the baked goods. Do not replace carob flour with wheat flour in a recipe.

In which recipes is carob flour used?

Find carob flour recipes to make successful delicacies. Make cookies, buns, cereal bars, cakes, breads, breadsticks, rusks, milkshakes, smoothies, hot and cold drinks, puddings, donuts, mousses, truffles, sweet homophagic recipes. Pour it in your milk, in the morning muesli with fruits and nuts and mix honey with carob flour. Make a nutritious bread spread for tithing.

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