Clove Essential Oil
Cost per piece 3,60 €

Clove is an evergreen tree, which produces a flower bud that has numerous medicinal properties. It is often reffered to as clove bud. Clove bud has a shaft and a head and hence it has the Latin name clavus, meaning nail. Clove has extensively used in ancient Indian and Chinese civilization and it spread to other parts of the world, includng Europe, during the seventh and eight centuries. Even now, clove is used in several Indian and Chinese traditional dishes. 

The health benefits of clove essential oil can be attributed to its antimicrobial, antifungal, antiseptic, antiviral, aphrodisiac and stimulating properties. The oil is used generally for treating a variety of health disorders like toothache, indigestion, cough, asthma, headaches, stress and blood impurities. The most important and common use of clove oil is in dental care. 

Clove oil is rich in minerals such as calcium, hydrochloric acid, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium vitamin A and vitamin C.

 Medicinal Applications:

•       Due to clove oil's antiseptic properties, it is useful for wounds, cuts, scabies, athlete's foot, fungal infections, bruises, prickly heat and other types of injuries. It can also be used for treating insect bites and stings. It is very strong in nature and should always be used in diluted form, and furthermore, it should not be used by people with unusually sensitive skin.

•       One of the most prominent uses for clover oil is in dental care. The germicidal properties of the oil make it very effective for relieving dental pain, tooth ache, sore gums and mouth ulcers. It contains the compound eugenol, which has been used in dentistry for many years. Gargling with diluted clove oil helps in easing tooth ache and irritation. The characteristic smell of clove oil also helps to eliminate bad breath. Clove is also effective against cavities, and traditionally, it had been added to a small cotton ball and put at the end of the tooth which which had the cavity every day before going to sleep. The cavity would then vanish soon after. Dentists also mix clove oil with zinc oxide to prepare a white, filling material as a temporary alternative to a root canal.

•       Clove essential oil is often recommended for skin care, especially for acne patients. The effects are best achieved when the oil is used in liquid form and spread on a clean and dry rag. It can lessen the effects of aging, wrinkles, sagging skin and can provide facial rejuvenation for the eyes because of its rejuvenating and stimulating properties, which can increase blood flow to unhealthy skin and make it look younger.

•       Clove oil is helpful for boosting the immune system. Its antiviral properties and ability to purify blood increases resistance to a multitude of diseases, because the antioxidants in clove essential oil scavenge the body of dangerous gree radicals that cause a multitude of diseases and certain types of cancer.

•       Clove oil is an aphrodisiac in nature and therefore serves as an excellent stress reliever. It has great stimulating effects on the mind and removes mental echaustion and fatigue. When ingested in appropriate amounts, it refreshes the mind and stimulates brain function. It also induces sleep and is helpful to patients suffering from insomnia. It is also useful for treating neural disorders such as memory loss, depression and anxiety.

 Safety Profile:

Clove essential oil is very strong even in small quantities, and must be diluted before application. Since eugenol is not a very common compound, some people experience violent allergies when overusing.

This is to inform you that we are not doctors. What is written above has a simple character and in no way replaces medical application. Always consult your doctor about your health issues.